Denso 234-4097 Oxygen Sensor
You looking to find the "Denso 234-4097 Oxygen Sensor" Good news! You can purchase Denso 234-4097 Oxygen Sensor with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
Product Feature
- Designed to detect the amount of oxygen in the exhaust system
- Constructed from high quality material
- Features double protection layer, aluminum oxide trap layer, PTFE filter and stainless steel housing
- Manufactured with precision to meet OE standards
- Easy installation
Product Description
Denso Oxygen Sensor is designed to detect the amount of oxygen in the exhaust stream. It is constructed from high quality stainless steel, porous polytetrafluoroethylene, fluorine rubber, aluminum oxide, high-grade platinum and ceramics. This Sensor features double protection layer, aluminum oxide trap layer, porous PTFE filter and stainless steel housing. It is manufactured with precision to meet OE standards. This oxygen sensor can be installed easily and ensures longevity.Denso 234-4097 Oxygen Sensor Review
I took my car to an import shop that INSISTS on using only OEM parts. Problem is Acura Oxygen sensors can run $600-$800 from even online sources (he quoted $850). I did some research and Denso is an OEM manufacturer on many OEM parts for different auto makers. My shop orginally balked at using them but after he did an online search he conceded that Denso might be the OEM manufacturer of these anyway. For less than the price of one OEM Acura oxygen sensors I got 3 delivered to my house and the shop didn't have any problems with them.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Denso 234-4097 Oxygen Sensor" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Denso 234-4097 Oxygen Sensor ...